Monday, 3 March 2008


My Little Chubby Face (from front and top view)

上个星期六去过了一趟日常检验,在扫描中的我可以清楚看见脸上有那么一丁点的鼓鼓的也看见我的毛发也开始増长了.医生说我很健康,没什么问题. 到时咪咪最近的夜晚都失眠 总是翻来覆,好不容易睡着觉一旦醒了却要等上好一段时间才能重新入眠.医生也建议咪咪开始做一些运动,如果不能的话shopping 也行… 呵呵呵!!!下次的产检定在三个星期后… c ya
重量: 1001 grams

Tips for Daddy:
As mommy is making plans on how to handle her labor and who to have present during the delivery, now would be the time for you two to discuss what type of role you want to have during the birth. Daddy, you can be the sole support person.