Thursday, 18 October 2007


我有九周大了,不知道现在的我体积长有多大呢?咪咪最近比较辛苦,常常be seized with nausea.上班时还得忍着这噁心的感觉。我最近吸收了不少的营养,因为外婆常炖鸡汤,燕窝,补汤。。。。还有一堆有的没的补品,吃的咪咪都胖起来了也嘻嘻!

Tips for Daddy:
Attempt to create a tranquil, quiet, relaxed environment in the bedroom. This can be achieved by moving the office out of the bedroom and into another room in the house. You can also replace brighter bulbs with dimmer bulbs, or if you are really handy put in a dimmer switch.

Friday, 12 October 2007



Tips for Daddy:
Daddy needs to take care of lucky(pet) while mommy is pregnant. A pregnant woman should be wary of changing pet litter due to the possible exposure of toxoplasmosis. Daddy please also helps mom by doing the shopping for the dog food so she can avoid the strain of lifting those large bags.

Friday, 5 October 2007


十月二日由于有一点点的小状况,咪咪又得提早见我的'摄影师'- Dr.Sim。Thank God,我们都健康。

Tips for Daddy:
Talk with mommy about which prenatal appointments she would like you to attend with her. Daddy must remember many couples like to attend every appointment together, while others only attend major appointments like sonograms together. Go ahead and begin making plans to attend certain or all of the appointments, and do not forget to mark your calendar



Tips for Daddy:
Mommy may be struggling with morning sickness, and may feel completely helpless. However, you can help mom cope with the nausea and vomiting that are common during the first trimester.


九月二十二日的早晨,咪咪正式发现了我悄悄在她的肚子里。爹地是在公司里被告知的, 想必他的内心应该暗暗窃喜吧!