Thursday, 29 November 2007


十四周了,咪咪的身体上没多大的变化倒是我渐渐地把她的肚皮撑大了。由于她担心会有strength mark, 所以每晚都会涂上一些cream. 工作上的繁忙把她累坏了,期待下个月的长假啰!

Tips for Daddy:
During this early time in pregnancy, many women struggle with being tired all the time. Mommy may need to take a nap when she gets home from work or running errands. Try to keep a cozy & quiet place, so that she can have some quiet time to nap.

Mommy will greatly appreciate this thoughtful gesture, and daddy really wanted to make her happy you could surprise her by having dinner taken care of when she wakes up!